Published May 01, 1986 Updated May 01, 1986

EPCS May 1986 Newsletter

Memories by Robert Burrow • Waddington & De la Rue patience packs • De la Rue LOBO: Tooting Broadway • My favourite game by Philip Harrison • Documentary Evidence - the joys of dating of games by Jeanette White

United Kingdom De la Rue Waddingtons Pepys Pinocchio Advertising Childhood Card Games Gaming Snap Add to Collection

The English Playing Card Society's Newsletter

The Society publishes a 30+ page A4 Magazine (including colour plates) which is free to members. This is dispatched three times a year and builds up into a reference source, with an index, containing information which is not readily available through any other source. Members are invited to contribute articles to the Newsletter. Click here to read a sample newsletter.

Benefits of Membership
  • We are a Society dedicated to the study and collection of "English Playing Cards", open to all, not just English people.
  • English Games are given equal footing alongside English Playing Cards.
  • A yearly Meeting.
  • Regular 'singles' sales.
  • The fellowship of members.
  • A regular Members Newsletter/Magazine; click here to read a sample newsletter.
  • Access to all back issues.
  • We are a good medium to publish research.
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101 Articles

By The English Playing Card Society

Member since July 10, 1984

The English Playing-Card Society was formed in January 1984. Its purpose is to bring together collectors, researchers and interested persons who wish to share information concerning designers and manufacturers of English playing-cards and card games 1660-1960.